Can you shorten the ban? (Didn't fit in Admin Abuse or Unban Requests)
I know this should probably be in unban requests but i did break the rules and this is not an unban request anyway. Narcotic banned me last sunday for "Hugely chair and hydraulics minging".

I saw a guy attaching 2 elastics to a chair then the sky and using it like a swing of sorts, he got banned btw, for 3 months, and so did i. I got an idea from him and...well, pretty much did the same but with 1 elastic and i was watching someone play with it in my chair when i had to go somewhere else quickly and forgot to delete it. As i was returning to that spot (to delete the elastic chair thingy) I got banned by Narc. I PMd him stating that i thought the ban was too long, and he simply said "I don't". When I asked him to explain he just replied "No".....I mean, for a chair attached with an elastic I think it's a bit too harsh of a ban. I know I broke the rules, but I wasn't even bothering anyone (atleast I didn't get any "OMFG failrp your gonna get banned" messages). In fact, what's-his-face (not his actual name) was enjoying it, going "wee" and all, so I think 3 months is a bit too harsh...

PS: This doesn't fit in "admin abuse" nor does it fit in "unban request" so I posted here in hopes I'll get some "Help and Support" :|
Signature removed, inappropriate image.
I do believe you could post an unban request stating that you think it was unfair for the length given. I would advise against posting something like this in the Help & Support section.

Since this may not come under criteria for an 'unban request' and is certainly not abuse. If possible, contact the banning administrator via PM.

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