Old player models

After prowling through garrysmod.org I saw a few models I wanted to be incorporated into my gamemode (not really a serious one.) All looks good, apaart from the fact Gmod13 is out now and some of the downloads are rather old. Basically, will they still work? (I can't really test them atm as I am on ma 'craptop' and will be for a while...)

Some of the models:



The likely hood is that they will work. But does anyone know if the new Gmod has broken the old playermodels?

EDIT: I have also thought about weapons with custom models:

http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=70423 (random)

Will these work with Gmod13, SWEPS in general.
Thanks in advance!
Not 100% sure but i got told all mods before GMOD 13 should be broken by some Gmod Computer nerdy guy... Look out for updated mods... :3
I can test them tomorrow if I get the chance. They should be fine!
Kind Regards,
Are you doing your own gamemode? :O
Kind Regards,
You see that this is "Community & Server Information"?
This is not a mod they're models, they'll work fine.
Well, I'm not sure if the models would work fine. Maybe some things would stick out because of the new jumping Etc.

The gun should probably not work if it's scripted. If it's just a model it should work alright.
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Thanks for all the help.
Also sorry about the poor thread placement, I was in a hurry when I made the thread.

It sounds like the models may work, but the weapons will have some trouble. If you didn't already know, it has a StarWars theme. I am rather worried that suitable laser weaponry will be hard to find (got lightsabers Tounge) I'll have to have a good search for some recently updated sets.
Yes, the should work.

Since Garrys Mod 13, i have downloaded lots of really old mods, and they have all worked fine.

If not, i heard that there is a program that you can get, where you import the Model/NPC/Vehicle, then export it, and it basically updates the Model, with a different .extension, which makes it usable within Garrys Mod 13.

Please make sure to contact me if you would like me to find the link.

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