Random Ban?
Funny thing is I ran and ducked into a room and waited. You somehow rolled around the corner very little enough to shoot and I sat their saying WTF? One: I know you didn't see me running into the room.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
dude mouse movement doesnt even work it has to be keyboard movements plus i dont have a program that does that and if u would let me sit there i would be kicked. PLUS I dont even have a script that does those mouse things or even keyboarding.

lol dude u guys were so close that i just fired and it spread to both of u guys
and i did see u run in there i saw the edge of your body zoom into a room. 1 more thing IS AN ADMIN GONNA SPEAK ABOUT THIS BAN OR NOT?
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Intellectual Explanation:
When you think about it, if you were to repeatedly turn 360 Degrees Anti-Clockwise for 15 minutes, your mouse would have to move Left, and continue moving left as said, for 15 minutes, as it was a continuous movement.

The large majority of people using PC's today, will have their mouse on the Right Side of their keyboard. Thus meaning, if your mouse were to continually move left, for 15 minutes, it would have to move left for around a good few Metres. I have small doubts your headset could do so.

User was warned for: Posting in a thread without the sufficient right.
[Image: source.gif]
Dario, you can keep lying all you want but its not going to help. I saw what was an AFK bot and I acted accordingly. Please remove the bot(and any other hacks you have if you have them) before you come back from your ban. Thanks.
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