Un-Blacklist for Doomforting
Your name:MrMcpressure

Your blacklist ID: 22795

Steam ID:MrMcpressure


Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Shadow

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I got Blacklisted about 5 months ago and I think 2 days in game time is a bit much for blacklisted weapons, I wish to be blacklisted or at least come to some arrangement because its takes the fun out of the game as well as helping as a police officer, so I 'beg' to be blacklisted.I also think that 4 hours in game time is alot personally I do not play Roleplay city that much and wanted to get back into playing it but it really is making the game boring at times.

I got Blacklisted about 5 months ago and I think 2 days in game time is a bit much for blacklisted weapons, I wish to be blacklisted or at least come to some arrangement because its takes the fun out of the game as well as helping as a police officer, so I 'beg' to be un-blacklisted.
Can I get a reply as soon as possible please?
Be patient and do not bump your UBL-case.

-Don't respond to this message-
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
So, if you can't use your weapons, you find our servers boring? That says a lot about your intentions.
Two days game time is 48 hours.

Why not try some RP some day?
How can I RP if no one does RP?, I think the server needs more admin controlled RP, events and such.

And you know what happend last time I tried to RP?, I got prop killed by a chef.
Perhaps you should of taken the initiative to start some PassiveRP and involve other people. Other players CAN Roleplay without admin-controlled events and sorts .. and you can aswell.

If you played a bit more in those 5 months, your BL would of run out a lot sooner. It's game time.

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