Steam Name: sirnarc

SteamID: -

BanID: -

Ban Reason
Using the N-Word

Staff Member: I have suspicions, no knows.

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
I apologize for what I said in the discord server, the N-Word. It wasn't used as a joke or in casual conversation. The word was contained in a question, simply quoting and asking whether or not JoshuaZ had said the word after RichardB said that he got banned. I know people has said this word to RichieB numerous times so my mind jumped to that conclusion after hearing a member of FL got banned. It was a mistake, of course, not converting the word of thought to abbreviation. Ive never used the word before, even privately. It was a tired mistake and I apologize.

Would like to point out that I've donated almost £20 to a BLM organisation.

Messages In This Thread
sirnarc - by S!RNARC - 08-21-2020, 07:46 PM
RE: sirnarc - by Ryan - 08-21-2020, 08:35 PM

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