Report: K33ze, Cochise, ToxIC
Name of player: K33ze, Cochise, ToxIC, Mac

SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:117677892 (K33ze), STEAM_0:0:114423199 (Cochise), ToXIC STEAM_0:1:155810414, Mac STEAM_0:0:116887885

Time in GMT: Around 01:30 (GMT+1)

Server: v4b1

Summary: Massive proppushing, RDM and backseat administrating by a few people.

 Hope I helped in a way,

Regards, Laurin. (+Rep?)

[Image: FHtvBN8.png]
Hello, I have updated your post with the SteamID's of ToXiC and Mac.

Kr33ze, Cochise and ToXiC will receive punishments for prop killing and prop pushing. I have also discovered ToXiC had CDM'd two people while searching for his steamID so he will receive a vehicle blacklist as well.

Mac will be punished for backseat administration, killing prop pushers.

Thank you for your report.
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]

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