Forum - POD
Your name: Princess Of Dubai AKA TheLegend

Your SteamID: Forum Ban

Your ban ID:Forum ban

Banned by: Auwsum

Reason: Constantly disrespectful on the forums. Take a ban, warnings clearly don't work for you

Why we should unban:

i wish to get unbanned cause i want to write in out lovely forums.
i wont insult again, promise Wink
just give a nother chance and dont target me when i insult people that talking shit to me.
thanks for your time
wish you good day
good life
Hey, you've had so many warnings in the past for being Disrespectful and Insulting on the forums. I'm very close to giving you a longer ban if it happens to again. I'm hoping it won't.

Wait out the ban, and next time, write my name correctly.

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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