Player Report: ChocolateEdible, Jeff and Super Moe
Name of players: ChocolateEdible, Jeff and Super Moe

SteamIDSTEAM_0:0:441913822, STEAM_0:0:51783742 and STEAM_0:0:70684154

Time in GMT: Around 6pm today

Server: v4b1

Summary: Me and my friend were driving. My friend accidentally hit one of their cars. They all chased us into the tunnel. One of them said 'Get out' then counted down from 5 in around 2 seconds and then shot us 3 or 4 times. I did not have this part recorded but the fact that the car is low and my friend dies so quickly is some proof but not part of my point. We were both stuck and said we were not ready to give them the money. The counted down before any of us could do anything. Shot my friend. Then robbed me. 
Shooting my friend so early when stuck is absurd and they just want to kill people.
Corrections: My friend accidentally said 'CDM' instead of 'RDM' and i think they can rob us there. That is not the point though. Also 30 seconds in a guy was randomly shooting at guys passing by. Not police cars.

[Image: KtSNMBw.jpg]
Posting On Behlaf of Chocolate EEdible
You were not stuck when you were killed, therefoe had way more than enough time to pay us. You were not in public so it was valid. Nor was I activly participating in the mugging
The first guy who got shot just didn't give the money in time, his problem. And for you, you were unstuck by the time we got to you were unstuck and gave us the money. I do not see that the problem is. Also that is not 2 seconds in the first kill. I legit count down from 4 super slowly. Maybe your friend should have just listened to us.
Sig too big - Removed by Steven8ken
Do you have video evidence of what happened before hand? I can't tell really what led up to this point.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:81986316&b=12]
(09-30-2018, 09:39 PM)Janzo 火 Wrote: Do you have video evidence of what happened before hand? I can't tell really what led up to this point.

Sadly, no, I just started recording. 

Also to the rest:
I did not have a problem with you robbing me. My friend and me said we were not ready a number of times. Also pretty much every time the driver gets out of the van they are always stuck; try it for yourself. The point is that 1. It was not slowly, at all. It takes times to get what is going on, including the fact that you shot our car beforehand. 2. Randomly shooting cars in the background? Are you not going to mention that? There were not police cars. 3. Shooting someone when they have not done anything and stuck? This was one of my problems. I got shot when I was stuck and they had to go out of their way to hit me when i was there.

Also, I already corrected mistakes I made in the video.
[Image: KtSNMBw.jpg]
We shot you because you did nothing. We were robbing you and we wanted to get the money as quick as possible. If you were not prepared to give us the money quickly then that sadly is not our problem. And for the shooting in the background. I do not even know, I was not a part of that.
Sig too big - Removed by Steven8ken
Also for your first friend. I counted from when I said "500 hounded on the ground" and it was 8 seconds. More than 2.
Sig too big - Removed by Steven8ken
There is a rule about not shooting people when they are under fear RP. For example, I was shoot as soon as I got out. Check the recording and I got instantly shot. Can anyone explain this?
[Image: KtSNMBw.jpg]
That rule simply states, if they are trying to kill you, FearRP no longer applies
Not enough evidence.

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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