Report: Asabin Bin Ladder, Timmay69
Name of player: Timmay69, Asabin bin ladder

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92726743, STEAM_0:1:196175878

Time in GMT: 21:30

Server: v4b1

Summary: Basically, they spawned their roadblock again and claimed they had permission from the president (I checked and they didn't) I told them multiple times that they would have to remove the block or they would be arrested. They said no many times and so I eventually arrested them. Timmay didn't follow fearrp many times. Refusing orders to hurry up when he was tapping w as slowly as possible and kept exiting the police vehicle when he got in (you can see this was intentional as near the end the gap between entrance and exit is too big to be caused by anything else than trolling). Once he was put in prison they returned to the checkpoint. I told them again they would have to remove it as it was still breaking the law, they claimed it was invalid as they had a new life. I explained that regardless of the new life their new characters were still breaking the law. They continued to refuse claiming things like the props weren't theirs before they used the excuse of saving the dupe as a prefront to running away (before hilariously crashing). When I ran up to them they switched jobs to Citizen and continued to keep the dupe. You can see many people attempt to drive over and get stuck on the dupe while they are there. The props are not easily rammable and block the road (my attempts to contact admins at this point were unsuccessful). Timmay then went through the city flying a helicopter over the road before pushing it against the nexus and riding it up to the top with the job set to "Helicopter Pilot". He then brought it back down and parked it on top of a building. They then set the props to invisible at the checkpoint. I confronted them about it when they were citizens because they claimed they had removed the dupe despite only making the props invisible. They did then remove the dupe. They then began spawning props and freezing them in the road. Asabin ran up to the presidents car and accidentally got run over claiming CDM. He immediately broke NLR by running straight back. Following that, Timmay got out a gun and RDM'd me and Asabin started mic spamming. Timmay followed killing me by killing multiple others.

Evidence This is a highly edited version. If admins would like they can request the unedited video in order to get a sense of time (this all happened very close together)
Seems you wrote Asabin's Steam ID twice, can you edit the thread that it also has Timmay's Steam ID?
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
(08-25-2018, 03:21 PM)TheSiphon Wrote: Seems you wrote Asabin's Steam ID twice, can you edit the thread that it also has Timmay's Steam ID?

Updated, I'd also like to point out that they did something very similar here:

I have actually told them before not to build a checkpoint with ramps as a security guard without permission. 
In the other PR I warned them again not to use it, so if they use the dupe in the future, it may result in a punishment.

Timmay was found guilty of prop minging with the helicopter prop, freezing a random car prop in a tunnel and RDM as "helicopter pilot".
For Asabin Bin Ladder, he was delaying RP situation when being escorted to prison and using invisible frozen props in a tunnel.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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