PR: BlackHappyMonke & NIGGA123
Name of player: BlackHappyMonke & NIGGA123

SteamIDSTEAM_0:0:91902731 & STEAM_0:0:63894207

Time in GMT: 17TH AUG, around 23:20

Server: v4b1

Summary: I was impounding a vehicle as requested by the sergeant. As I was driving it toward the Industrial tunnel BlackHappyMonke can be seen attempting to use a prop to stop me, or looks like he was going to. I took shots from NIGGA123 so I stopped the car and was under FearRP. As I was ordered out from the vehicle, by BlackHappyMonke, NIGGA123 then killed me.

I Didn't u were police i just saw my teammates car driven by someone else so i assumed it was a thief so i shot at the car i didn't ask u to come out i thought u were dead my teammate asked u to come out then i shot u before realising u were an officer.
Player report approved. BlackHappyMonke will receive a two hour PTE blacklist for prop misuse. Darkness Ghost will receive a two hour weapons blacklist for RDM.

Many Thanks,

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