Report: [FL:RP] Enzyme & No Scam
Name of players: [FL:RP] Enzyme & No Scam

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:84841559 and STEAM_0:0:71669990

Time in GMT: Around 20:10

Server: V4B1

Summary: I was president at this time. Earlier both No Scam and Enzyme followed me into the garage to ask me to lower the taxes to ten percent, which I did. Shortly after while officers were responding to a hostage situation (The VP got captured) they both ran inside the Nexus and No Scam shot me. No Scam is the only person that actually shot, but as seen in earlier footage of them both following me into the garage they are most likely friends that may be using external software such as Discord to communicate. 
Right after No Scam killed me for no apparent reason Enzyme took the president job and proceeded to demote the Vice President in the middle of the hostage situation. Proof of this is near the end of the video where you can see me typing in OOC. No Scam then quickly took the VP slot. During this the tax was still at 10%

I have video evidence of the act, I also included the law script I run to show what laws were currently active.

I have removed the sleep and the opening of chat commands for the sake of readability.
[Image: 64a97b3b22e47ec0676a64e30bdb169f.png]
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:32122706&b=8]
Enzyme was also helping him kill me when he was an officer. He let them up and then when they started shooting me he just watched. Also when No Scam demoted me from officer, and I was talking about it, and called him out for demotion to the president he immediatly demoted me.

He also let him assault Paramedics etc when he was an officer, and made sure he didnt get arrested by constantly untazing/unwarranting

It seems like he was in a mingy mood, if I have any proof to back up these claims I will upload them tommorow. But I figured I might aswell add this for another perspective
PR approved.

User did not have clear valid reason to kill.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:81986316&b=12]

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