Player Report - Jacks
Name of player:Jackz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95267893

Time in GMT: 17:00 ish

Server: V4D

Summary: Mugged me in public even though its not allowed 


First of all requesting the first video extended version BECAUSE you prop climbed into the villas area before you cut it down to the current recording. You are fabricating evidence in the courthouse.

Secondly, you are allowed to mug in areas such as the villas as they are not classed as 'Public' places classed as public are main street, connectivity.

As villas is not on a main road, it is a closed off estate, it is allowed to mug inside.

I can understand how 'mugging in public' can be mis understood, but this doesn't mean you can only mug people in your own private property etc, it means don't do it in FailRP areas as criminals have to be stealthy and try not to get caught, which we did here by mugging you in a closed off estate, which had no police officers near.

Screenshot of the rule explanation that allows me to mug you where you were: 
[Image: af1e643216879a7bb4317077a36a796a.png]
'Mug people in the streets' - This allows me to mug you where i did, as where you were mugged isn't classed as a Public area.

Your friend even said 'No' after you asked him if it was a public area.
--| Denied |--

Even though a Villa estate, Villas itself is not seen as a Public region and as nearly nobody was around apart from you and the attackers there was no chance of being seen.
Joe Joe
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