report : LuiCrucial
Name of player:LuiCrucial

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:126017952

Time in GMT: 9:15

Server: v2d

Summary:I was in a situation ic which kinda got lui abit salty and i understand but then i the ooc chat he was calling all the names under the sun because he was pissed off he took a ic thing into ooc and started to use inappropriate language towards me which kinda offended me i didnt really respond to it so i just took a screenshot im not really happy with what he has said and would like to place a report on him and hopefully he learns his lesson i have 2 witnesses rebelz and blurr .

Evidence:[Image: unknown_1_LI.jpg?width=1202&height=677]
Sig too big - Dragnort 

Regards Mac safe g

Concluding notes

User has broken a rule here but has already been punished by Tomo, thank you for still taking the time to create a report.

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