Report: <KA34>
Name of player: KA34

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:71454368

Time in GMT: 3:56 PM 

Server: V5P

Summary: User broke fearRP - you can see the name of the owner of the car in the video - "Anton Smith".

I was running from you and thougth as long as he does not tell me to stop it is not breaking fearrp. I did not realise that you were using the chat to tell me to get out i just assumed that it would be said in the voice radio and not in the chat. Most of the focus was trying to run so therfore i did not see what was being written. I do not know what to say more. I do have to admit it was breaking fear rp but it was a mistake since i did not see you writing anything in the chat.

I advise you read chat the next time.

[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.

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