Report: CptSnowman
Name of player: CptSnowman

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75186416

Time in GMT: ~ 6pm 13th March 2018

Server: V5P

Summary: User is found infringing rules: 2.1, 2.1a, 2.1b and Section Three (NLR).


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Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]
I need to protect my Propety and when u have a Officer Outfit i though u was raiding as officer and that confused when u are a team with a Criminal!

Regardless as to who's raiding, or what roleplay they are doing during the raid, this does not excuse you from breaking the FearRP rules. Whether I am criminal or not, raiding with someone else or not, you must follow FearRP in all situations. For example, you cannot draw a weapon on someone that has a weapon drawn on you, especially if you were given a command to do something else. If you want to read the server's rules and explanations for more information, click >Here<.
Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]
I know the Server Rules! Yes it was a fault at my sight that i Ignored the FearRP, but u was a Undercover Criminal that i was so Confused u had a Officer Outfit, i dont know why (I think a Glitch or something), and the Jobname "Undercover". that i though i was breaking the Rules.
Punished accordingly.

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