PR Matlacey
Name of player: Matlacey

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:22764616

Time in GMT6:00 pm

Server: v5p

Summary: tazed a player as he was breaking nlr as heard in the video

Kind Regards
Fearless Donator

[Image: uT65xGc.png]
I can back this up as I was there and at the end of the video (not the whole conversation but the start), you can hear me explaining to the person that he was "back seat administrating" and that it was highly against the rules.
The user continued to handcuff the other user and "hold" him until and admin came, which they never.
I was not recording at the time but I can indeed back this report up.

"1.9 If you see someone breaking the rules, try to warn them or contact an admin. Do not take the situation into your own hands (by for example arresting a player), as that counts as Backseat Administrating, and is bannable."

- Kyle
[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]
User punished accordingly,

[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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