PR: Snowbay
Name of player: Snowbay

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:244422794

Time in GMT: 14-16 pm EU Time

Server: v5p

Summary: My englisch is not the best 1 but my video explains everything 


I AM ONLY POSTIN ON BEHALF OF WHISKEY. I AM IN NO WAY INVOLVED. Whiskey told me his account was broken.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Shop muggings are permitted as it does happen in real life as long as there is appropriate Roleplay involved. (with Getaway vehicles etc).
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Would you Please write this to awesometruck : Hello , thanks for the Quik replay , But where i See the Problem is there is no roleplay startet actually , he just holding a gun then in the other second i see it and then i say wait for a sec , then he shoots me , Wher is there a Roleplay startet or Actually what reason i gave him to shoot at me ? , King Regards . Whiskey
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Removed by DVN
Please don't post on a ban request with irrelevant information. I see no involvement from your comment, you just made a random allegation and we do not take witness statements.
Player report denied.

After internal discussion, we have come to the conclusion that the accused did not break the rules.

Even though he was technically mugging on main street, it was indoors and was not exposed to the whole city. On top of this, there was no police presence in the area.
Furthermore, as Awe said, they occur in real life.

In regards to him shooting you randomly, he did request for you to drop $500, however it was lost in the sea of text that came as a consequence of using your tool gun.

The accused should not have engaged in an rp situation when you were performing an ooc action, however as you did not respond, he had a reason to harm you.

This was just a very unfortunate situation.


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