Report: Cassiehadad & Sam

Name of player: Cassiehadad , Sam #SKRRRR


Time in GMT: 18:25

Server: v5p

Summary: I was called a vagina by cassie after I had tried to defend myself from another insulter who called me a "fat vagina", cassie then agreed with him and stated that I may not be fat but I am a vagina.

[Image: W6I19wU.png]
[Image: v9B0o5m.png]
[Image: bISzJYU.png]
I was making fun of myself .-.?
Edit: Sorry if it seems like I meant you but I was referring to myself as a joke.
(11-29-2017, 06:44 PM)CassieHaddad Wrote: I was making fun of myself .-.?
Edit: Sorry if it seems like I meant you but I was referring to myself as a joke.

if you legitimately were then I guess the admins can ignore your charge if they think you didn't insult me.
however the PR does have to stand as I was directly called a fat vagina by sam.

Concluding notes

Sam has indeed insulted you via OOC and will receive a 2 hour blacklist from OOC.


Concluding notes

Cassie clearly didn't direct that towards you, the sentence starts with 'I'm' not 'juicyorange' or a direct reply to anything you said previously.

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