Player Report on: Gotta Jack Off
Name of player: Gotta Jack Off

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28136555

Time in GMT: 4.00pm

Server: v5p

Summary: User was mic spamming some pretty harsh things and once the SRU tried to arrest him for not moving along the user ran from the SRU/Police with tasers/guns pointed at him in handcuffs

[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]
Partly Closed: Jonas banned the user: (ADMIN): [FL] Jonas banned Gotta Jack Off <STEAM_0:1:28136555> for time 2 days
(Spamming inappropriate soundboards. Micspam. Playing 'Mans not Hot' when confronted.
Maybe fearrp can be added to the ban.
[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]
Player report approved,

The player has been found guilty of breaking FearRP, failed to follow orders when under gunpoint and asking to die.

Thankyou for your report.

Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]

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