Your name: Kenzi

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120565933

Your ban ID: 76398

Banned by: [FL] Random

Reason: BRA (78739) - Breaking FearRP (Extended due to current ban) // Last chance | Extended by: Divey

Involved: 6 MONTHS AGO so i dont remember.

Why we should unban you:
I waited 6 months, and maybe just maybe, Random, you will kind to let me off with a week or 2. Since you didnt extend it, mayve Divey can put his input too. 6 months was just a bit harsh. Also, im busy so give me 24 hours to reply.
I really don't see a reason to unban you. Only 9 days left.

I don't remember the situation so I'll leave it for the team to decide.

Good luck.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Thanks man, i was just wandering if you would be kind enough to let me have the 4 days i have left before school to try hard on fearless. I know i broke the rule, but I cant wait.
Under unban rule 4 I am denying this Unban Request.


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