Report: <dogdogony6 >
Name of player: dogdogony6 

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55241577

Time in GMT: Around 10:25

Server: v5p

Summary: CDM / RDM | Me and the BMD dude are neighbors. We lookout for eachother. So when his car got stolen, I told him to come with me to look for it. We spot the suspicious white van that was around our homes and we look into MTL. As I position my van to let the dude hop the wall he gets stuck in the wall. Dodgony6 then CDM'd him. I went in to get his name, then he attempted to CDM me. He told me to get out, using a knife. I got back in his car then he hit me with the knife, this is RDM as I followed his demand. 

Evidence: (Skip about 1:15 minute in) 
The black market dealer was armed with an ak-47 , You were attempting raid and if you get in a base the way you two did a person will think you are raiding him, The cdm was an accident cause theres lag, My intention was to talk you out of my base.
Best Regards
You are blatantly lying. How is this, "lag". You aimed your vehicle towards him and sped at him, then reversed immediately after hitting him to attempt to CDM me. Even if it was "lag", You never called a medic so it is still CDM. I was not attempting to raid, I was dropping of my neighbor to get his car back. The only reason I went inside was to get your name so I could make a PR.

You still haven't explained unnecessarily knifing me.

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