Report: Spear; bartvandennoort1; [Fl:RP] Panda;
Name of player:  Spear;  bartvandennoort1; [Fl:RP] Panda; 

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95125693; STEAM_0:0:221332847; STEAM_0:0:63257200

Time in GMT: 1:39 PM GMT +1

Server: v4b1

Summary: So we were trying to properly roleplay, we got an officer hostage, (let me note that i had to say i had a gun to his head multiple times or they would have just shot at the car because they don't know how to RP) Teacher Panda, even tho we are surrounded, if there is still an hostage with a gun pointed at him and in a situatio of panic, you don't aprouch the armed man like that, it will only get you shot, even tho we were surrounded we still had the upper hand because we had your seargent hostage, i beleive it was fail rp to get so close to us and not hear our demands, The spear guy you can totally see the fail rp there i had a gun pointed to him and he just kept running (breaking fear rp). Then when we enter the industrial shop, even while we had a hostage inside, the SRU seargent (bart) starts shooting with no concern for the hostaged police officer's life (fail rp) that inclues [FL:RP] panda (officer shooting throw the window) we hadn't opened fire or anything, so i believe this situation to be complete Fail RP

You also broke the rules you cant say that 'I gotta gun on his head' in vehicle. Thats FailRP.
But you are right, both Panda and Spear broke FearRP.
[Image: ipaLX1fa_o.png]
Where in the evidence does it show Panda breaking FearRP? From how it looks, Panda did actually back off once you had told him to. He did not engage.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
-Involved : Present As SRU -

Situation at Outer BP

Your BMW was being pursued by Spear and Apple (STEAM_0:0:77252893), you got both of them under fearRP however, Spear broke fearRP running off and calling in for back up.

The other units in the area as well as the SRU responded to his backup call.
Spear briefed all units via the radio that there was an officer at gunpoint.
The police units arrived onscence and moved in, after some time they followed fearRP and moved back.

Situation at Industrial shops

As shown by the scoreboard there were 4 SRU on at the time, myself, John,
thekalk|theSupervisor[GER] (STEAM_0:1:49391765) and bartvandennoort1 (STEAM_0:0:221332847) (SRU Serg).

I rolled up on the scene in my black charger, just behind the crown vic driven by thekalk|theSupervisor[GER]. The Supervisor got out of his car and was ran over by mistake during this situation.

As shown by the recording the SRU serg (bartvandennoort1) began to open fire while you still had the hostage at gunpoint, breaking fearRP.
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
(07-08-2017, 05:48 PM)AwestruckBullet Wrote: Where in the evidence does it show Panda breaking FearRP? From how it looks, Panda did actually back off once you had told him to. He did not engage. 
The officer on scene there was Panda, since the SRU had a shotgun, you can clearly see a police officer shooting from the window inside the industrial shop, and then shortly after u see shots being fired, you can see Panda saying "they are both dead" gg wp.
After reviewing the evidence it's decided that:

- Spear broke FearRP by running away from gunpoint and calling backup.
- Spear conducted FailRP by running up to the car during the hostage situation
- bartvanennoort1 broke FearRP by shooting at the assailants and hostage himself.
- Panda did not break FearRP
- Nazz insulted Panda OOCly.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
(07-08-2017, 04:02 PM)DarkNode Wrote: -Involved-
You also broke the rules you cant say that 'I gotta gun on his head' in vehicle. Thats FailRP.
But you are right, both Panda and Spear broke FearRP.

Where and why were you involved? maybe be a bit more specific, well i don't see a reason why i can't say that. In any real situation i'd still have my gun pointed to the man in the back seat wich is where i specifically seated, so Police wouldn't just tell us to get out of the car.
Spear will be banned for 1 week. This is due to his experience.
bart will be banned for a day
Nazz will be banned for insulting a user OOC

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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