Report: FloppyWiener
Name of player: FloppyWiener (Steamname) | Ziyad Alrasbi Betwin (Ingame name)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70523295

Time in GMT: 18:55 GMT +2

Server: v4b1

Summary:I was arrested and brought to jail and I came in the same cell as this racist guy. You can see every thing in the evidence.



1.13b *UPDATED* You can be racist, sexist, and discriminatory (homophobic) IC (In Character).
Hello Kongorilla

Being Racist IC (In Character) is allowed

As the rule states

1.13b *UPDATED* You can be racist, sexist, and discriminatory (homophobic) IC (In Character).

Therfore this player report is Denied!


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