PR : Letta [New]

Name of player: letta

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:46343563

Time in GMT: 7:00 AM GMT

Server: v4b1

Summary: I was building a tow truck dupe and I was alone with letta , letta was pissed off because I Make a Player Report On Him You Can Check It Out By Clicking Here,
Anyways He was saying to me that I'm a pussy , and following me ingame and trolling and prop mining , He was pressing E on the prop was on my dupe and push it around and brake my dupe , and he was so pissed from me and mad , I'm making this PR On him because he is a dick head he broke my dupe Sad
I want this player to get pushed for Trolling and Prop Mining or Pushing Don't know !  And Being rude on me saying to me that I'm a pussy , Thank you


Letta will be banned for 1 day and be blacklisted from props and OOC for 2 hours.

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