Report: [FL:RP] Gnigits
Name of player:[FL:RP] Gnigits

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61025599

Time in GMT: Round 8:35 on a Wed

Server: v2d

Summary:Basing with contra as citizen, and attacking me when we were both rebels

Well I see this as a kinda of revenge PR for getting you prop blacklsited for a doomfort

Basically I ethier went to get a drink or go to the loo and got an AFK demote, I was literally basing with you...That is my base.

I probarly rejoined rebels soon after this.

This is just attempt to get one back at me for posting a PR on you, which was approved
This still does not explain u attacking me when you "Rejoined"
nope, but i can show they were taken at the same time.i think

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