Report: Finn Conlon
Name of player: MrFinnConlon

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79431150

Time in GMT: 18:00?

Server: v4b1

Summary: There was a firefight happening at villas. We noticed some people on the right hand side so myself and another cop ran over. Both with our weapons out. You can see that the cop reaches there first with his gun out facing the men. I then arrive. I tell him to get on the ground as he pulls out a gun in holstered mode. So there were two cops with both guns aiming at him, and he decides to get a gun out and tell us what to do as we get him on the ground. You can actually see as Finn is running away the cop is clearly aiming his weapon at him and you can see his head move towards him just above the wall.

2.1f Orders must be given via voice or text comminucation to initiate a FearRP situation.

Finn pulled the gun up before you gave him orders. I personally do not see what Finn did wrong to be quite honest.

Unless you have something else to add, I will conclude this. You have 24 hours.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Hello there chopchop.
I would like to point out that you only issues a command through text/voice chat after I had a gun out thus there was no fearRp breakage.  The video clearly shows my XM10 was on show, before I came round that corner and well before you gave a command.

OFF topic : Here is a little trick to trimming your videos so you don't have to record playback.

Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
Both myself and another officer had our weapons pointed at you BEFORE you pulled out yours. And when you did pull yours out we gave you a command while you were holding it at your side. There is no way you can justify pulling out a weapon and firing it while two cops are aiming at you and tell you to get down.
I think that he only had his gun down to his side as part of the running animation.

Nontheless, as I stated earlier no orders were given before Finn pulled his gun out. ''2.1f Orders must be given via voice or text comminucation to initiate a FearRP situation.''

Player report reviewed

[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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