Ban request
Thread Title: Report: Breaking NLR

Name of player: [FL:RP]TheDarkLord


Time in GMT: 10:52 EU time

Server: v4b1

Summary: Breaking NLR and changing job so to SRU to kill me afterwards..
He is patroling as SRU Sergeant to find me and kill me..

Evidence [Image: ico_external_link.gif] [Image: ico_external_link.gif] [Image: ico_external_link.gif] [Image: ico_external_link.gif] [Image: ico_external_link.gif]
First , I was not patrolling . It was my house and you parked your car to my property so I have a search warrant to take it garage.
Second , you killed me at my spawnpoint so I was leaving the area but someone threw molotov so I hid.
Third , I can be SRU whenever I want.
Fourth , how can I know where is your house. It's only a coincidence
Fifth , you shot me when Iam going to bring your car to nexus garage
(Local OOC) [FL:RP]TheDarkLord: I didnt walk back to place , I was leaving the area but
someone threw molotov so I hid.

You forgot to take that's photo I think.
Player report Denied

Insufficient evidence

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