Report: <Drakemoon sponsorship>
Name of player: Drakemoon sponsorship

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105700517

Time in GMT: 1:10 GMT

Server: V2D

Summary: we saw gun in his hands and he was raiding  our base so we came  we was 3 so we came  and killed him

he started saying RDM RDM and we didn't so he became SRU SERG and came and killed all 3 of us so he breaked

NLR and X3(RDM) + he was self supply when he was doctor i didn't  get it on tape  so that what happend

and becuze i am  lucky i was fixing my fraps so he came and rdmed us i was started recording

+ he blocked camera with prop i dont know if this not allowed my friend told me its not

+ he is using the same car 2 times

Evidence: ( camera Blocking + car using 2 times ) (RDM Video)
After revieweing the logs and video, I can confirm that this was indeed RDMx3.


[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

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