PR [FL:RP]SörlsselssönSpedeVesku
Name of player: [FL:RP]SörlsselssönSpedeVesku

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29305756

Time in GMT: Around 14:00 PM GMT+1

Server: v4B

Summary:  Player being disrespectfull towards other players. (5.6) Had an discussion with him at the moment.

(OOC) [FL:RP]SörlsselssönSpedeVesku: Dazzle being again retarded. No offence

Please can you fix the SteamID? You currently have copied it wrong, you have 24 hours to do so.
[Image: f8f0ed93936736f2ae4c735f1edc05ed.png]
*Fixed SteamID*
Dazzle is also doing this, he constantly provokes people in the server. And thats not even bad player disrespect, you do even worse.
If you see other players doing it, report them.

[Image: f8f0ed93936736f2ae4c735f1edc05ed.png]

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