Report thread on the players PeaceGames & [FL:RP] Zer0â„¢
Name of player: PeaceGames & [FL:RP] Zer0

SteamID: PeaceGames : STEAM_0:1:107036274     [FL:RP]Zer0™ : STEAM_0:0:141141294

Time in GMT: 3;50 PM +3GMT

Server: V2D 

Summary: i came to their house but not rading it and then when i saw them i gave one of them a rifle ammo and when they saw me the second time they was insulting me i left them but PeaceGames as an Chuffer Get from his backup an AK and started shoting me randomlly at my car , after that they being follow me evrywhere and when i stop they start shoting again and again His freind [FL:RP] Zer0™ , is a rebel leader and basing with him doing what he is doing , riding with him , if he orders to kill someone he might kill him , but he changed his job name to a custom job (Gopnik Leader)
i think this custom job as a rebel its breaking the rule 9.4 ,  after that i told him that i am going to make an br on him in the ooc they being lughing and kidding and insulting in ooc 


its an album of them and the rebel with him is always behind him i mean the chuffer

this is the screenshot of their insulting and joking in the ooc its like they don't care and as u will see one of them was metagaming he said "can someone gives me a small load of 38k" and that was in ooc its metagaming isn't?
Lol i didn't do anything wrong but ok
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

The following player report has been: Approved.

The following punishments have been handed out:

PeaceGames - A 3 hour blacklist from Chauffeur, Weapons and OOC For FailRP/Player Disrespect

Zer0 - A 2 hour blacklist from OOC for Player Disrespect

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