Blank is scamming
Name of the player: blank

Steam ID: Steam_0:1:14379687

Time in GMT : about 9:40

Server: v4b1

Summary: I went to his Pawn Shop to buy lockpicks and hostage ropes, he asks 8600, i gave him the money, then he tells oh wait, it ain't enough. Then i tell him i don't have that kind of money on me. So i tell him to give my money back. Then he stalls and bargains with me, though i said give me my money back multiple times. Then SRU comes to raid and he (blank) takes out his ak and starts shooting the SRU, of course SRU wins and he dies. After he respawned i told him to give me my money back. He insists that sru was my fault at he doesn't owe me nothing and that he lost his whole operation ( several weed pots). The money isn't that much so I don't understand why he couldn't have just give my 8600$. Why would he scam for the little money?


I've looked through logs and seen you pay him the money. Your story seems to be spot on from what i can see, I will be able to refund your money in a next few hours.

The user will be punished accordingly.

[Image: f8f0ed93936736f2ae4c735f1edc05ed.png]

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