Unban me please?
Your name: Roovling

Your SteamID: N/A

Reason ban: Not sure it was my brother who played, i think it was propclimb and shooting admin.

Time: Permanent.

Why we should unban you: Please, im begging ya. It started with i was playing on the best server (fearless) then i decided to go AFK, then my brother comes in and takes over the keybord, breaks many rules but i think hes ban was he killed an admin, i have regreted that i didnt log off the server and i want to ask you all if you can unban me from this mistake, it wont happen again from now on i will logg ot whwn im eating lunch.

That was all

From your friendly Player

Roovling Cheese
It was your fault as much as his, Your computer, Your responsiblity.
First off you wouldn't get unbanned anyways you need to supply us with your steamid.
Well just as Kenny said there "your computer, your responsibility". Honestly i don't believe in the bad excuse, but if it's true, then i would give a week ban or something like that. If HE didnt do it, then it shouldnt be permanent... :/
'my brother did it'.
Like ive never heard that one before.
Yup... There's Always "My little brother did it why i was afk" But It Was actually Them... There just realise what a good server they've been banned off... and regretted it.
Hahh yea xD But seriously this has happened to me twice before. Once with my friend that also plays Gmod (he has been playing it longer than me) AND with my bro Heinze (wich also has been polaying Gmod longer than me) got banned for 2 hours when my friend got on my PC while i was AFK. He actually did it by a mistake. I don't wanna bring that old story up here right now, but i'm just trying to say that it can actually happen to anyone without anyone believing in it. I say a week ban instead Cheese
No SteamID no unban
-Signature removed-

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