Unban request
Your name: Rev

Your ban ID: 62085

Banned by: [FL] Safira

Reason: 'Felt like minging after a day of work'

Involved: A

Why we should unban you: I'm afraid that the ban reason was a misconception, I understand that I used a prop on a car, but the 'felt like minging after a day of work' was just a joke. I often get nervous in situations like that and just spurted out a joke without really thinking about what it sounded like. I know it was the wrong time and place for joking, but I haven't been banned for this kind of incident before and it was totally isolated and indiscriminate (I understand that we discussed a rule in OOC, However this wasn't the reason for the prop push). I understand that there should be a punishment as I have broken the rules for which I am deeply sorry and deserve to be banned/blacklisted for a while. However, I just feel that 14 days is lengthy for hitting a car with a prop. Sorry for any inconvenience caused and I hope that you can understand that I never do anything like this, it was a spur of the moment thing that I just thought would be funny to do, Thanks for reading.
Quote:Do not write an unban request if you know you broke the rules.

You didn't hit a car with a prop.
You prop smashed my car into the ground, causing it to spaz out and potentially kill anyone who got close until manually removed by staff.


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