Report: [NTV]Rorvik
Name of player: [NTV]Rorvik

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13955378

Time in GMT: 6th of April (Monday) at around 22:52

Server: v2d

Before the occurrence which I am writing this player report about, I overheard multiple people speaking of the accused allegedly randomly tazing and arresting people. Even though I was not a witness to the rules being broken, I reckon that a bit of a background can't hurt the case.

On to the report itself. As the video goes to show, some players are heard talking about the accused committing the aforementioned breaches of rules.

The accused then begins taking photos of a player, gets punched by him and shoots the player to death in cold blood.

While I understand that the player, even if his job was set to criminal, may not have had a sufficient reason to punch the officer, in my opinion, Rorvik should not have responded as violently as he did. As soon as the officer took out his pistol, the criminal had to respect FearRP. Rorvik could have then simply arrested him.

I'd also like to mention that this report has footage that directly precedes the incident in the report on Trydom that can be found here.

In this video (these times also added in video description for ease of access):
(00:17): The accused begins taking pictures of one of the players
(00:33): One of the players remarks on the rules allegedly broken by the accused
(00:42): Seconds before the accused shoots one of the players in cold blood

Spoiler: Video evidence for report on Rorvik

Ban request approved.

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