BR on xXMRmeedo21Xx
Name of player: xXMRmeedo21Xx

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88926668

Time in GMT: 12:25:00 p.m. (GMT + 0:00)

Server: v2d

Summary: I just set up this restaurant and a 5 min later the person place a prop under my elevator trying  blocking/minge it.

The Elevator + prop:
[Image: 51d36b.jpg]

The restaurant itself:
[Image: 9sfh1g.jpg]
Kind of tough to see what your talking about, do you have any further evidence?
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Not enough evidence. Post some more evidence send me a PM if you got more and the thread we be Re-Opened

Denied and Closed
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:29300898&b=3]

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