Report : NathanD223
Name of player: NatganD223

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57215914

Time in GMT: Araund 14:5 Pm

Server: v2d

So we were arersting the rebel and he was running away from us by going into random cars [He went in 3 cars but i only rec when he got into my car] and as he got out of my car he ran while on gun point of 4 cops in attempt to get in anthoer cop car but he got tazed and then arrested.

Here is the vid :
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player NatganD223 was found violating rules regarding FearRP. General Rule 13.
Suspension will be applied for one day ban.

[FL] Raptor
Server Administrative Team

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