Ban Request on LeMoN #
Name of player: LeMoN #


Time in GMT: ca. 20:09

Server: v2d

Summary: I was checking something out because of his wreckless driving. Suddenly he jumps into his car and CDMs me.

Evidence At 2 min and 43 seconds
Lemon randomly impounded my car and when I asked in ooc I was provided with no response as to why I had a search warrant or my car was impounded. When I asked him to fetch it, he just camera-flash spammed my car in the nexus garages, so another, non-mingy, officer took me to my car.
(09-20-2014, 07:27 PM)Zech_ Wrote: Lemon randomly impounded my car and when I asked in ooc I was provided with no response as to why I had a search warrant or my car was impounded. When I asked him to fetch it, he just camera-flash spammed my car in the nexus garages, so another, non-mingy, officer took me to my car.

What he previously did has nothing to do with this case.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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