Ban request on ez(L)
Player name: ez(L)

SteamID (if possible):# 73 "ez(L)" STEAM_0:0:26161882 2:08:01 129 0 active#

Time in GMT: earlier today not sure

Summary: He has been failing as a cop all day, from rdming to cdming
there where multiple witnesses and also a few people that couldn't stand to take action.

Evidence: vid 1 :
vid 2:

Greetz Gold Digger.
I would like to add that RedNinja basicly failed with him but I don't have actual proof off him :/
banned and closed

also aLund who I can see there killed ez(L) with a crowbar, so he's banned for a day
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]

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