Ban Request Greenapple420
Name of player: Greenapple420

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91367970

Time in GMT: 8:30-9:10 AM GMT

Server: 33x

Summary: Constantly being offensive towards players in OOC and not English in OOC.

Evidence: - Foreign Language in OOC

I think I have a few more screenshots you might see on my profile if you look around, if you want more I can send you some.
I can approve this, he was also breaking FearRP + FailRP.
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as the accused player was found violating rules.
A blacklist from OOC chat will be applied for 20 minutes.

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team

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