Ban Request on [NuMa]xNi7ro
Thread Title: [NuMa]xNi7ro Ban request

Name of player: [NuMa]xNi7ro

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88497422

Time in GMT: 7:15Pm-7:19Pm (1915hours-1919hours)

Server: v2d

Summary: I was patrolling as an officer around Radio Tower When I got out of my car to check something out I see "xNi7ro"(Corleone Don) Prop pushing cars (No evidence was gathered for that offense). I walked up to him and he asked some random question when one of his Corleone buddies (Unknown Name) tranqued me in the back for no reason. "xNi7ro" then pulled out a pistol and shot me on the ground.

I don't know who was the second Corleone who shot me but it would be in the logs.

I posted a similar BR ( on this player.

I can really recommend the admins to look into the logs for this player. The amount of havoc he created is rediculous and if the logs are searched i am sure 10 - 15 random tranqs + RDMs will be found there.
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as the accused player was found violating rules regarding RDM.
The players current suspension will be increased to 5 days.

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team

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