Disconnect to avoid arrest
Name of player: Zeteki, BoatLyfe

SteamID: Zeteki - STEAM_0:0:81741559, BoatLyfe - STEAM_0:1:51594500

Time in GMT: ~10:20 CST

Server: v2d

Summary: Me and the sergeant rolled up to the corleone's base to detain them for a murder they committed at KFC. While in the process of arresting them they decided it would be smart to disconnect to avoid arrest.

5 Min before the incident I was patrolling in the city when I got flagged down by KFC by a chef who stated the following:

There were to man who looked like Corleones who just shot and killed someone in the city. He stated that the man he saw was the Don and one of his Men. He also stated that they drive away in the SUV type vehicles. (which were the driven be the Corleones).

Myself and the other officer got together and drove down to there base. As I got out of the car I pulled my MP5 out and advised the Corleones to get on the ground. I held them at gun point knowing there armed and they killed someone. As I tried to arrest boatlyfe, he dissconnected to avoid it.

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