Ban Request
Name of player: ·٠•●★Mcs000★●•� AND technobit

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54755970 AND STEAM_0:1:46518358

Time in GMT: 5 PM +

Server: v2p

Summary: Fishing at lake, 2 corleone minges come and start messing about.
Friend hits one of them with a knife after the don corleone kept bugging me/hitting me.(thats cut out since not really important) This led to him trying to rdm us with a sniper, also broke NLR(the dead body at about 1:00) he came back about 3 mins later.
Video sums it all up though, also a bit in it in which one of them prop killed me(pretty sure friend has images of it) while I was AFK.

·٠•●★Mcs000★●•� and Technobit were were prop minging in these screenshot:

[Image: 1fk1w0.jpg]

[Image: 2w3teyq.jpg]

[Image: 6g8xeu.jpg]

[Image: 1zx3vx5.jpg]

[Image: 2n0qzcn.jpg]

I was in the car for this one.
[Image: esm0k5.jpg]

They decide to prop kill me and the most stupidest part was leaving there on my body. (The prop looked like a giant wooden prop)
[Image: 2naoepy.jpg]

Here their name and what job they were:
[Image: 11gu6o7.jpg]

·٠•●★Mcs000★●•� and Technobit were the one in the screenshot

Here 2 picture of me being tranquilize, What he said in voice chat was "You knifed me so I get to tranquilize you and kill you".
The reason was because I stabbed him because he kept on hitting me and my friend then he decided to tranquilize me from behind, and before he tranquilized me, his friend was sitting in a chair next to us, I could tell they were metagaming in a way, once I was down, he decide to try and snipe me but as seeing this is against rule, he failed to even take the shot and then wanted to come into the house.
[Image: viioar.jpg]

[Image: xgk1mg.jpg]

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