+Matar`- and TorNim0s
Name of player:

STEAM_0:0:33101890 (+Matar`-)
STEAM_0:0:47153107 (TorNim0s)

Time in GMT: 4:04Pm GMT

Server: v33x

Summary: I did transport Burnett to the corleones area, when he steps out someone decides to ram into him and crush him between the taxi and his lotus. TorNim0s and Matar then comes and shoot me a minute later and When they see the body they begin to shoot it.

You'll only see them shoot the body - first began recording some seconds after they came.
If i may add to this, Even If You did accidentally run the guy over (i don't think you did you seem trust worthy. i have seen you on the server and you obey the rules Cheese ) Whatever Happened to that guy the Corleones Were Technically back seat administrating i think, And or RDMing so yer! whatever happened they broke the rules :/
+ Support to you bro!
Ban Request: Approved.

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