admin pres uses admin title to allow cops/himself to kill people.
Lol, you've blown this soooooooooo far out of proportion.

So let me address the first pictures of us "Not doing our jobs", Enzyme and I during this entire time made sure to constantly keep up with the @ request which were sent in. As usual, if the request was "ADMIN COME FAST PLZ" we didn't respond.

The second picture was Enzyme joking.

Third picture, I said in radio to the police force "When I say Kill them all, don't actually kill them, simply shoot in the air". So if anyone was damaged, it wasn't under my command. During this entire event, of me trying to get a meeting together.. People were constantly screaming threats at me, the guy who has a guillotine in front of him. Literally none of you RP'ed during this entire event.

The killing citizen for wanting food picture - There was a hobo going around in the Nexus lobby asking for milk... I ordered to have him killed for begging on the Lord Valencio's doorstep. His last words were "I just wanted milk" if that says anything about his RP capabilities.

I banned the guy for Fail RP, because when I asked him for his last words he responded "Oh so you're going to slice the burgers with this", Fail RP'ing, saying that I was a burger shop.

Then, bragging. What, that wasn't bragging at all. That was me RP'ing that the rebellion had died.

Also, I didn't run from presidency what the hell are you talking about. I RP'ed that I tripped over the guillotine lever and ended up falling into my own trap.

And to top it off in my defense, I said at the VERY start of this "If you step up on the guillotine stage, you may or may not die, this is a risk factor you must take into consideration before approaching me"

It's quite simple honestly. If you yelled out stupid remarks about how you were going to take down the president, whilst in front of me, you would be sentenced to treason. So to be honest, anyone who died in the RP died by their own stupidity and Fail RP. You say I Fail RP, everyone yelling during my speech, everyone who said stupid things like "Please give me milk" or "This is a burger shack right" deserved to be ban for Fail RP. It's not like I just grabbed people willy nilly from the crowd. If you made a stupid, Fail RP remark towards me, I would kick you out/execute you in an RP fashion - It's better than a ban which those people probably deserved. Plus, each death was RP'ed to an extreme degree. I would play intense music, followed by saying "Under the decree of Lord Valencio, blah blah is convicted of treason, the punishment is death", then /it the guillotine begins cranking and then /it the guillotine falls. But really the only reason you would be sentenced to death is by your own stupidity. You wouldn't be like "SCREW THE GOVERNMENT" as you walked up to a slightly-mad president whilst standing under a guillotine.

Also, I ordered the RP speech and said you would be JAILED if you didn't attend. The RP speech was supposed to be the end of the RP, but you all wouldn't let me talk for 3 seconds without some stupid comment coming from a player, so I simply ordered the police to fire in the air, so that the crowd would disperse.

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RE: Admins ordering cops to kill everybody for no reason as pres. - by Vauld - 12-08-2013, 04:50 AM

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