BR: [FL:RP] Dogysmash
Name of player: [FL:RP] Dogysmash

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59563366

Time in GMT: About 10 min before this BR was posted.

Server: v33x

Summary: Ok, so there was a Raid in nexus, and I said in OOC: Wait, what's you're reason to raid? and Dogysmash replyed (He was the raider) I'm raiding because I was arrested. So I said its FailRP. He said no, so I contacted [FL]Lt.Grub and asked, he said it IS failRP.

Evidence: (Grub saying its failRP: [Image: 4Fbmf.jpg])

(Dogy saying he raided for being arrested: Thanks for the help FL Staff team,
Kinds regards,
Adam James

(Server Member)
Banrequest approved. Banned player was found guilty in raiding Nexus without a valid reason. A one day ban has been given.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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