BR: [FL:RP] Gamer
Name of player: [FL:RP] Gamer

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59266836

Time in GMT: No idea/forgot.

Server: v33x

Summary: Ok, so I was walking around, you know, just walking, and then I see a mafia member steal a yellow lambo, so, I went in radio and said "Who stole the yellow lambo?" and no one replyed. So I asked again, "Who stole it?" then Gamer said in OOC: "I did." and I said "So you stole it?" in PM, and he said back "YES I STOLE IT HOW MANY TIME DO I GOTTA FUC*ING SAY IT?" and I said "Well, what's you're reason?" and he said back 4 min. later "OMG i'm not nieling at you're feet fa**ot i'm bringing you're car back so you can shut the fu*k up." (Or something like that. and I said "You know, saying that will just get you banned longer." Then I demoted Gamer for disrepsecting the don.

Evidence: (Calling me a fa**ot: [Image: 84B20F154CFFDC957D54E6BCE11052ABCA2AD7EE])

Saying he stole the car: [Image: A95C2548639607BBEDF619F8650AF52C842AE3C2]

Thank you for you're time, FL Admins.

-Adam James

(Server Member)
Ban request approved.

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