Name of player:FunnyNiggger

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21974454

Time in GMT: 17:16 GMT

Server: V2P

Summary: Well, just look at the name. I know that people will say but it had 3 g's so it's ok but it's obviously trying to stand for the word of which i'm sure you can find out.

I know I don't have rights to post here but.

His name his choice.
Yes but come on? You can't say the n word in chat so why have it in your name?
Really, I kind of see where you are coming from. But I don't find it in anyway offensive.
If his name was something that offend people in a massive way, i would agree. This is just a name.

But that is my option, do not judge me on this post.

Kind Regards,


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