Buying traffic light
UPDATE! I have received a manual traffic light, I am now only looking for AUTOMATIC traffic lights, IE something that changes colours automatically.

I've seen a few of them now, they actually work.

I have no idea how to make one, but I can see many uses for them.

I'd like to request a regular version, and a red+green only version, which I could use for my dupe that I will pay $40,000 for.

Name your prices, and please note, it actually has to work.
You can place a small prop into one of the original lights ( of the prop ) and use flicker? Or just fade it.
Note to others: We tried that with Hellshell, didn't work for now. I'm still searching for how to do it, if someone comes up with a proper, controllable solution, make a video or something and tell me.

$$$ is to be earned.
Rain should be able to do this. I will show him this thread.
Thank you very much.

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