Un-Ban request
Name: (Not a Mod)cookie0810
Banned By: Fultzy
Reason: prop Pushing
Involved: (Bapples)Tom77Tom
Why is should be un-banned: (Bapples)Tom77Tom was driving when he flipped over his car. He was not able to do /flip because it was not working for him so I
spawned a small prop and flipped his car back over. The admin/Moderator thought i was Harassing Tom. I would be happy for you to check the story over with (Bapples)Tom77Tom because he also feels i was banned illegally.

Thanks for reading!

The font is hard to read.
Sorry LOL

Is that any better?

Are you going to have tom write here or what?
Tom can also make an unban request

Tom will post a message on here
Hi I am tom77tom or [Bapples]tom77tom on steam, Cookie was only trying to help flip my car, and I'm sorry its taken this long to help unban him.
Alright with that I will unban you.

Advice for the future: If you car is flipped over make sure to try and contact an administrator first and if they do not respond gently flip it over. Try to avoid car hang time or smashing it across the map. If you are uncertain if you are able to do that try and have someone else who is comfortable doing so.


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