another acc on my reputation
learless members.

a while ago I noticed that many people make in br STEAM_0: 0:47467509 this all his names (kitylach, Lipton, murci, Rraden, pidaras, lastam, the white boy, ompor, liptond, Lipton and LIFEDOUNK) I have everything and looked after his login name is lifedounk and I know a little bit who that is 1-2 years ago I played on another server ( and then he false Plays (cheats) and I have to gezirgt that he gets a perm ban. I'd managed. and now he takes revenge ....
I also ng screenshots how he says to me in chat I hope you get a ban and after this message from him I made him a br

thank you lifedounk STEAM_0: 0:44580824 <----- this is my id

screenshot of chat :
The steam ID will remain different, so only he will get banned.

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